Keele Student Accommodation Availability: 2024/25
Current Availability
Oak court a-e (July 8th) Forge Barns a-f (July 8th) Forge Barns g (July 8th) West Brampton (July 8th) Whitfield Avenue (July 8th) Kingsfield Road (Aug 8th) Whalley Avenue (Aug 8th) Myott avenue (July 8th) Algar Road (Aug 8th) |
Bedrooms / en-suites
5 x 7 en-suite 6 x 6 + 1 x 5 en-suite 1 x 5 en-suite 8 en-suite 5 en-suite 4 (2 with en-suite) 6 en-suite 4 4 (2 with en-suite) |
Pricing PPPW
£109 £114 £119 £109 £119 £109-119 £114 £114 £109-£119 |
Let 24/25 Let 24/25 (a-e) Let 24/25 (g) Let 24/25 Let 24/25 Let 24/25 Let 24/25 Let 23/24 Available 24/25 |
- All inclusive pricing - includes all utilities (gas, electricity and water) plus broadband - Great value and piece of mind.
- All properties are initially let on a 51 week term starting 8th July or 1st August as set out below.
- Deposit is £250 per person and is placed in the Deposit Protection Scheme. UK based guarantor required.
- No additional admin or application fees.